20 years since Suncomet was founded!
Today 06.07.2021 is exactly 20 years since Suncomet was founded.
To celebrate the anniversary, we have officially published our new pages. WWW.suncomet.fi at the address. In addition to the pages, we have published a subscription machine through which we can order hosting and domains 24/7 completely automatically. Old pages work alongside new pages until all the necessary functionality and content are fully transferred to new pages.
We have also lowered the price of → .fi and the price change will take effect for everyone during the day. In addition, the price range of a few terminals has been revised and new most common terminals have been added to the price list and made available through an AUTOMATED DISPENSING SYSTEM.
The chat service is now also open 24/7 and you can also submit contact requests if the agent's response is delayed. The chat service also alerts you to the emergency room if necessary.
We are constantly working to develop our services and during this year we are releasing a lot of features that facilitate the use and updating of the services, especially in our customer system.
Thank you to our customers for these years! Towards the next decade!