Price list
Hourly work 60 € / 1 h
Hourly work is charged per starting hour. The customer can specify the time to be used.
Web hosting Teho +10 GB of disk space 25 € / year
Additional disk space packages are available only Web hosting Tehopackage.
Business package +5 GB disk space 25 € / month
Available for all business packages.
Disk space overs oversend, per starting GT 10 € / month
Overruns are invoiced separately using the invoicing method of the order and its costs. In addition to the oversized, other expenses incurred are invoiced.
Oversized survey restrictions, per starting 10,000 pcs 10 €
Overruns are invoiced separately using the invoicing method of the order and its costs. In addition to the oversized, other expenses incurred are invoiced.
Create an email or other similar account 20 €
Create an account on behalf of a customer.
Change to domain name servers / control 20 €
Changing name servers, changing DNS settings, creating redirects, etc. on behalf of the customer when the domain is held by us (otherwise 60€).
Change to domain information 20€
Whois data or holder exchanges for a domain name.
Invoicing 8 €
Per invoice or per note invoice.
E-invoicing 3 €
Per invoice or per note invoice.
Password reset 20 €
Password reset and retransmission of account information.
Closed account opening / reconnection 20 €
Open and restore a closed account to normal operation.
Restore an outdated/deleted domain 120 €
Refund after expiration when the register requires a refund fee.
Change to order / invoicing retrospectively 5 €
Change the order or invoice after delivery/shipment.
Restoring data from backup 60 €
Restore an account or desired data from a server or client backup.
Extension of payment period 5 €
Per bill.
Making a payment plan 20 €
Make a separate payment plan at the customer's request for the invoice.
Prices incl. VAT. 0 %.